Green McKenzie Caddis Pop on the lower river

Anglers observed Green McKenzie Caddis on the lower McKenzie yesterday. We had confirmed sightings in the stretch between Belinger and Armitage and it is likely that the bugs are emerging throughout the river. The river dropped over 1000cfs since yesterday morning, things are looking up. Important bugs to have in the box during this next stretch include, CDC Green McKenzie Caddis (#1 dry pattern), Green McKenzie Wet, Karnopp’s riffle diver, and Morrish’s Super Pupa.  Check last years Green Caddis post to learn to tie the CDC Green.–CD

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3 Responses to Green McKenzie Caddis Pop on the lower river

  1. Bpaul says:

    I’d love to see a good picture of one of these fables little animals. I hear about them, see the flies, but have never seen one.

    Hell, I even caught fish on flies imitating them and never seen them.


  2. Matt Stansberry says:

    Possibly the greatest Green McKenzie Caddis write up and photos ever, by Arlen on WestFly.

  3. Ron R says:

    Wow, Matt – great link. Thanks!

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