McKenzie River Fly Pattern Library

McKenzie River Fly Patterns: We’re building a library of fly tying videos, advice and patterns for fishing in the McKenzie and Willamette Rivers (though we’re sure these flies will work many other places as well). These links take you to a page with a YouTube video demonstrating how to tie the fly, a high resolution image of the finished fly, and a fly pattern recipe.

March Brown Fly Patterns

March Brown Klinkhamer

Comparadun Klinkhammer March Brown

March Brown Exciter

Ice Dub March Brown Emerger

Standard March Brown Klinkhammer Emerger

Foam Extended Body March Brown

Clear Goo March Brown Nymph

March Brown Soft Hackle

Hidden Bead March Brown Soft Hackle

March Brown Coachman Wet

March Brown Sparkle Dun

March Brown CDC Emerger

March Brown Thorax Dun

Klinkhammer March Brown Emerger

March Brown Parachute

Green McKenzie Caddis Patterns

Green McKenzie River Caddis

McKenzie Caddis

McKenzie Caddis Wet

Tube Fly McKenzie Caddis

Green McKenzie Caddis Fly

CDC Green McKenzie Caddis

Green McKenzie Caddis Wet

Karnopp’s Riffle Diver Green Caddis Emerger

Green Caddis Larvae

McKenzie Caddis Pupa

Nymph Patterns


Pheasant Ear Nymph

Depth Charge Nymph

Euro-jig Nymph

J:Son Simple Scud

Pheasant Tail Emerger

Dirty Bird

Mercer’s Micro Mayfly

The Possie Bugger

Mega Prince

Bead head pheasant tail nymph

Rubber-legs Pheasant Tail

Rainbow Bead, Rubber Legs Possie Bugger

Ice Dub Prince

Millennium Prince Nymph

Caddis Fly Patterns

Elk Hair Caddis

Foam Body Elk Hair Caddis

Shimmer Elk Hair Caddis

Mother’s Day Caddis Profile

Z-wing Caddis Pupae

Matthews X-Caddis

Easy elk hair caddis

Mother’s Day Caddis, AKA P90-xCaddis

UV Elk Hair Caddis

Ice Dub X-Caddis


Yellow Stimulator

Yellow Sally

Tube Fly: Clarks Stone

Beldar’s Stonefly Nymph

Chubby Chernobyl

Langtry Stonefly

Upside Down Golden Stonefly

Terranasty Stonefly

Half-down Golden Stone

Winter Stonefly

Yellow Stimulator

Clark’s Stonefly

Delectable Golden Stone Prince Nymph

Pale Morning Dun (PMDs)

Pmd criple

Pale Morning Dun Emerger

CDC Rusty Spinner

PMD Sparkle Dun

Pink Lady PMD Dry Fly

Pink Lady Klinkhammer

PMD Trigger Nymph

Pale Morning Dun Klinkhammer

Pale Morning Dun Cripple

Pale Morning Dun (PMD) Sparkle Dun

Light Cahill Wet Fly

Light Cahill Dun

Green Drake Fly Patterns


Green Drake Parachute

Quigley’s Green Drake Emerger

October Caddis Fly Patterns

Extended Body Foam October Caddis

Tube Fly October Caddis

Extended Body October Caddis

High-Vis Unibobber October Caddis

Coastal October Caddis

October Caddis Wet

October Caddis Pupae

Searching Fly Patterns

february Red soft hackle

Royal Wulff

Purple Stimulator

Loop-wing Parachute Adams

Ramsey’s Goofball

Bloom’s Parachute Ant

Foam Beetle

February Red Flymph

Tup’s Indispensable

Yorkshire Starling Purple Wet Fly

Parachute Adams

Dark Cahill Wet Fly

Gary Williams’ Lucky Strike

Nickel’s Green Rockworm

Hare’s Ear Soft Hackle

Partridge and Olive Soft Hackle

BWO Blue Wing Olive Fly Patterns

Blue Wing Olive

BWO Emerger

Blue Wing Olive Biot Dun

CDC Blue Wing Olive Emerger

Blue Wing Olive Thorax Dun

UV Ice Dub BWO Nymph

11 Responses to McKenzie River Fly Pattern Library

  1. Arlen says:

    Great job guys, this a wonderful resource. Just one suggestion. As in many tying videos that I see, the background becomes the shirt that the tyer is wearing. Dark shirts as backgrounds often make it hard to see the details and colors in the fly. If you could pay attention to that, I think it would help a lot.

  2. dave says:

    Hey fellow river rats,
    I have lived on the mckenzie for most of my forty years and this internet is great. I love seeing flies that are specific to the river and in full color. It trully is a great reference for reports too.
    Thanks a bunch!

  3. gordon says:

    This is without a doubt the very best fishing blog on the internet. You guys are amazing. Keep up the good work!

  4. daniel krueger says:

    hi I know that you make a listing of the dates of when you can fish with the flys under each fly’s discription. only constructive input here, i was just thinking that it would be great if you could put up a calender that would go with the flys that you have here. To show when it is that they a re supposed to be fished. It would work great for a reference point for angelers to look at the calendar to see if they need to tie a fly or not. Rather than having to go through all the flys to figure out if it is the one that you need to be tying. On the other hand I think it is a amaizing resource.

  5. Zack Sheridan says:

    This site & your shop are a great reasourse to me, just getting into fly fishing- much appreciated-. Some of your lingo is a little confusing for beginners but still great stuff. Keep up the good work!

  6. Woody Giezentanner says:

    Chris, We rednecks in N.C. really enjoy your blog also. Haven’t heard from you in so long. I guess you took off with Pamela. Obe is gonna be really pissed.

  7. D.L. says:

    Thanks for the great patterns, I wouldn’t know what a possiebugger was without it.

  8. Ed Beitz says:

    This sight is so awesome I have looked at quit a few but this sight is the best for helping
    someone get started an continue to fly fish and do it with all the information they need to succeed. I look forward daily to checking and seeing how things are doing with the fish
    and with the river’s and lakes in the area.
    Thank you for all the work an time you have put into your sight.

  9. KC Biehn says:

    Awesome job guys truly a great library of patterns.

  10. Marc Robershaw says:

    Nice job on the update/consolidation of videos. I use more a lot of these patterns and it is nice to have them all in one spot.

  11. Mrmachinist says:

    Just wondering if you guys could post any streamer or bugger patterns that work on the Mac/Willy?

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