The Damsel Flies: Eugene, Oregon women’s fly fishing group

The Damsel Flies is a women’s fly fishing group sponsored by the Caddis Fly Angling Shop in Eugene, Oregon.Damsel Fly meetings are usually held on the first Thursday of the month at 6:00 PM at the Caddis Fly Angling Shop on 6th and Charnelton in Eugene. The group is open to all skill levels of female fly anglers and the dues are $15 annually. Please join us for a meeting or inquire at the Caddis Fly.

37 Responses to The Damsel Flies: Eugene, Oregon women’s fly fishing group

  1. Janet Dunn says:

    Thanks Chris for sponsoring the Damsel Flies! We want to welcome all women to come and join us for fly fishing, fly tying and the company of like-minded women. Thanks! Janet

  2. Darlene Kline-Dolby says:

    I second what Janet said…Thanks Chris for sponsoring a great women’s fishing group and providing a spot for us. If you are a women that is new to our area or new to the sport of fly fishing we would love to see you at one of our meetings. We are a great group of women who like to fish and have fun while doing it! Darlene

  3. Jan Lariviere says:

    Janet and Darlene,
    I do plan to join the Damsel Flies as soon as Richard and I move to Eugene this summer. I love to fly fish. I am not particularly good at it, but I never tire of trying.

  4. Darlene says:

    The Damsels are putting together some terrific trips for this Spring & Summer. We invite interested women to join us at our May 7th meeting at 6:00 p.m. at the Caddis Fly Shop.

    Jan, We hope to see you soon.

  5. DARLENE MOYER says:


  6. Senator Ted Ferrioli says:

    Could the President of Damsel Flies contact me about an event I am proposing which could result in a financial contribution to the club?

  7. Courtney says:

    Hey! Do you have gal pals, sisters, mothers, or nieces in Colorado or a nearby state? The non profit I work for, The Women’s Wilderness Institute, offers some awesome all-female fly fishing clinics and overnighters for women and girls age 8 and up. We also have courses for backpacking, rock climbing, mountain biking & much more. Just thought I’d share the news!

  8. Ellen Evans says:

    I belonged to the Damsel flies starting in 1977 or 78 when I lived in Eugene. Coming back this summer to visit and take a trip down the McKenzie.

  9. Darlene Kline-Dolby says:

    Wow! Looks like we’ve been remiss in answering posts on our site. My apologies to all. Jan, Darlene, Courtney and Ellen. I hope you will join us at the Caddis Fly Shop on Thursday, September 3rd, 6:00 p.m. Sen. Ferioli, I will contact your office.

    We will be discussing our upcomming outings and plans for future outings. We welcome women visitors to come see what we are all about. Darlene

  10. Mary says:

    Have always wanted to fly fish, but don’t know how to start. I grew up on the Puget Sound fishing, but have never fly fished.

  11. Darlene Kline-Dolby says:

    The Damsel Fly November meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 5th at 6:00 p.m. We will be discussing fishing destinations for the Damsel Flies in 2010. We already have a trip to the Metolius scheduled for May. There will be several other outings discussed. We welcome newcomers and beginners as well as experienced women flyfishers. Come on down and see what we have to offer.

  12. Jill Welch says:

    Hello, I’m hoping to learn more about your recent Casting for Recovery fundraiser, and pick the brains of the Damsel Flies in regards to fly fishing, and a good way to get involved.

    Thank you

  13. Janet Dunn says:

    We meet the first Thursday of every month at the Caddis Fly Shop. 6:00 pm. A small very informal group. Please come in and meet us. We are not a direct sponsor of the Casting for RecoveryProgram , but some of our members are very involved. Janet
    Thursday January 7, 2010 Thanks for asking.

  14. Darlene Kline-Dolby says:

    The Damsel Flies Thursday, March 4th meeting will be held at the Caddis Fly Shop, 168 W 6th , Eugene at 6:00 p.m. Kathy will be covering Nymphing techniques. We welcome women who are interested in fly fishing. See you there.

  15. Darlene Kline-Dolby says:

    The Damsel Flies April 1st meeting starts at 6:00 p.m. at the Caddis Fly Shop, 168 W. 6th, Eugene, OR. We will be doing some trip planning and exchanging some wild fishing tales! We welcome women who are interested in the sport of fly fishing.

  16. Darlene Kline-Dolby says:

    The Damsel Flies May 6th meeting will be held at Alton Baker Park (weather permitting). We will have casting practice and Janet Dunn will review some handy fishing knots. Remember, you will need a fishing license if you use a fly when practicing. If we have really bad weather we will retreat to the Caddis Fly Shop. Meeting starts at 6:00 p.m.

  17. Arica Song says:

    Bummer, I was really looking forward to joining you girls. 🙁 Hope I can make it the next meeting. I need help with casting and the basics.

  18. Pingback: Fly Fishing: Metolius River & The Damsel Flies Shine « SwittersB & Fly Fishing

  19. Darlene Kline-Dolby says:

    July 1st the Damsel Flies will meet at the Caddis Fly Shop at 6:00 p.m. We will learn how to take great photos of all the beautiful fish we catch! We welcome all women interested in fly fishing. We will also be discussing our upcoming fishing trips. July 10th is our mcKenzie River guided trip. Later in July we will do a float trip down the Umpqua and in September we will do a Rogue River trip. Others are in the planning stage.

  20. Darlene Kline-Dolby says:

    There will not be a regular meeting of the Damsel Flies in August. We will have our members only Damsel Flies picnic. Details will be in the August newsletter. Our September meeting will certainly be an interesting and informative one. We encourage women interested in fly fishing to join us on Thursday, September 2nd at the Caddis Fly Shop, 168, West 6th, Eugene at 6:00 p.m.

  21. Darlene Kline-Dolby says:

    The September 2nd meeting of the Damsel Flies will be held at Alton Baker Park by the canal at 6:00 p.m. We will be getting some pointers on hauling and double hauling from some of the experts from the Caddis Fly Shop. Bring your fly rods and be prepared for some valuable lessons and a great time. We welcome all women who are interested in fly fishing.

  22. susan thelen says:

    Wondering where I can refer a good friend to learn to fly fish in Eugene. Hoping there is a women’s class or teacher I can refer her to that works just with women.

    Also wondering if you all have a newsletter to get or email list to join? I am off to Eastern Oregon for two weeks of fishing, ending up in the high lakes.

  23. Darlene Kline-Dolby says:

    Susan, We would be happy to have your friend visit our club meeting. Our members are always willing to share information with others. Our meetings are designed to sharpen our skills as fly anglers.

    Our next meeting is Thursday, October 7th at 6:00 p.m. at the Caddis Fly Shop, 168 W. 6th. Our program this month is a video, “Fly Fishing Large Western Rivers.” with Rick Hafele and John Smeraglio. It is a must see for beginners and experts and all those in between.

    Any one can pick up our newsletter at the Caddis Fly Shop or you can call Kathy at 541-485-7472, Janet at 541-485-8587 or me, Darlene, at 541-485-8706

    We welcome all women interested in Fly fishing.

  24. Darlene Kline-Dolby says:

    The Damsel Flies November meeting will be held on Thursday, November 4th at 6:00 p.m. at the Caddis Fly Shop, 168 W 6th, Eugene. This will be an exciting meeting as we will be planning our 2011 fishing trips. Come on out to our meeting and see what we have planned to 2011. I know there are some “just gotta go” trips you will want to hear about. We welcome all women interested in fly fishing. See you there! Darlene

  25. Sara Cochran says:

    I apologize but I am going to miss tonight’s meeting do to sickness. I am hoping that someone from the group would be so kind to inform me on the trips that were planned for 2011. I really would like to be able to attend as many as possible.
    Thank you and hopefully will see you all in December.


  26. Robin Healy says:

    Greetings Damselflies from the Stonefly Maidens up here in Portland! I am the webmistress/newsletter editor and I get asked about the Damselflies and about other women’s fly fishing club frequently. Could someone contact me? Robin Healy

  27. Kathy McCartney says:

    I have emailed you at another address so give me a quick email or call whenever you can.
    Kathy McCartney

  28. Ann Penny says:

    Hello, all! What is the 2011 schedule for your meetings? I love fishing, but have never tried it with flies – this could be a fun experience. Hope you are planning a fun-filled year!


  29. Sharon Cawley says:

    Would love to learn how to fly fish – any beginners classes or trips coming up this summer that a rookie can join? I live in Coos Bay and am willing to travel.

  30. Lynda Cook says:

    May I have a schedule of your events please ?
    I’m new to fly fishing but have fallen in love with it I’m afraid ! Getting to spend time on some of our beautiful streams is such a treat.


  31. Susan Flyge says:

    I would like to get more involved with a womans club for flyfishing, Im new to the sport, and would like to learn more. If you have a schedule for classes or trips, for the spring an summer please let me know
    Susan Flyge

  32. Dottie Haxton says:

    I have always wanted to try flyfishing and several years ago I saved a local publication of things to do in Or. In there was info on a womens flyfishing club. Well, I packed it away as I didn’t have the time to invest in that kind of a hobby. Now that I have retired I would like to try my hand at this passtime. Hopefully I can find someone who will take the time to assist me in my quest.

  33. Darlene Kline-Dolby says:

    Susan & Dottie, The Damsel Flies are happy to welcome women who are interested in fly fishing. Just give me a call 541-485-8706 and I can give you some information on the Damsel Flies. Darlene

  34. Dottie Haxton says:

    looking for someone who will share their creel and experience with me………………

  35. Katherine Paiva says:

    The next meeting of the Damsel Flies will be held on Thursday, March 7th, at 6 pm. at the Caddis Fly shop, 168 W. 6th, in Eugene.

    The topic will be Fly Identification.

    Bring your fly boses to the meeting and Damsel Fly Kathy Mc will help you ientify your flies and explain when to use them to catch the most fish!

    She’ll also have a handout on the March Brown hatch happening later this month on the McKenzie River. Learn about your old flies, and shop-the-shop for new flies as well!

    Come on down and find out what treasures you’ve got!

  36. Irene Zappia says:

    I am new to Eugene and would like to become a member of the damselflies. Can someone please tell me how to do this? Thank You, Irene

  37. Debra Barnett says:

    I will be moving to Eugene, and am a beginner fly fishing woman. Are you still having meetings on Thursdays at 6pm?

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