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Category Archives: Summer Steelhead
Wild Fish Need Your Voice! Speak Up for the Future of Oregon’s Wild Fish
Now is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for Oregonians to weigh in on the public investments YOU want our state to make to build resilience for salmon, steelhead, and trout in the face of a changing climate. Currently, ODFW is conducting a survey to … Continue reading
Film Showing: The Last 100 Miles: The Fight for the lower Deschutes
Join us for the Lane County premiere of a new documentary about the majesty and challenges of the lower Deschutes River, The Last 100 Miles: The Fight for the lower Deschutes. Richard E. Wildish Community Theater, 630 Main Street, Springfield, … Continue reading
From Native Fish Society Over the past decade, Native Fish Society and other southern Oregon conservation groups have been working to protect the wild native fish of the upper Rogue River from the harmful impacts of large jet boats. And … Continue reading
Late September Fishing Report
After a summer of fires and hot temps, its safe to say most of us are ready for fall. Cooler temps are inbound and the trout are just as excited as us. Fishing lately has been good with intermittent hatches … Continue reading
Summer Steelhead in the Willamette Basin
It’s been a few years since we have seen a hatchery summer steelhead run with any consequential numbers. 2024 looks to buck the trend with 7,000 and counting fin clipped, ready for the BBQ, summer fish. If the counts on … Continue reading
Babine for a Benjamin Raffle is on now!
1 Lucky Angler, 1 Epic Week on the Babine River this Fall for just $100! British Columbia’s Babine River is the hallowed homewaters of some of the largest wild steelhead swimming on the planet. At the Babine Steelhead Lodge, their goal … Continue reading
Early August Fishing Opportunities around the State
Our local rivers the McKenzie and Middle Fork of the Willamette continue to fish well despite a lack of significant hatches. Hopper dropper set ups with Chubby Chernobyls and various jigged nymphs continue to be very effective. Attractor patterns like … Continue reading
From Native Fish Society In a letter to the editors of The News-Review, Roseburg, Oregon-resident Connie Page posed a question: Why does Winchester Dam (on the North Umpqua River) still exist? The dam is bad for the river’s salmon and steelhead … Continue reading
States set 2023 Columbia River summer/fall salmon and steelhead seasons
ODFW Resources CLACKAMAS, Ore.—Oregon and Washington fishery managers recently finalized seasons and regulations for 2023 Columbia River summer and fall recreational salmon and steelhead fisheries. Detailed regulations are available at (see Summer and Fall Columbia River Recreational Fishery Regulations) Forecasts for … Continue reading
Outlook for Deschutes & John Day Summer Steelhead
From Liz Perkin, Native Fish Society On April 18, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) hosted a webinar (watch the recording here) to inform the angling public of the outlook for this year’s run of Columbia basin summer … Continue reading
Oregon Fall Steelhead 2022: New Lines and Best Flies
Cooler evenings and mornings have our thoughts focused on fall and steelhead. While we’re still below ten-year return averages in most of the rivers here in Oregon, we’re glad to see things bouncing back the way they are. It will … Continue reading
2022 Columbia River Summer Steelhead Update
by David Moskowitz, Executive Director and John McMillan, Director of Science Overall, things are looking better than expected for wild summer steelhead in the Columbia River basin. Of course, we’re now entering the dry, hot slog of August and September. … Continue reading