Jay’s Green Rock Worm: Caddis Pupae Fly Tying video

In this fly tying video, Jay Nicholas shows you how to tie a Green Rockworm caddis Pupae, a great all around spring pattern all over the West. Easy to tie, great pattern to fish.


Green Rockworm Caddis Pupae
Hook: TMC 3761 # 12-16 or Daiichi 1560
Thread: 8/0 Uni Black
Bead: 1/8-3/32 Black Tungsten
Body: Rockworm Green Rabbit and Ice Dub Blended
Hackle: Hungarian Partridge
Head: Black Ice Dub

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7 Responses to Jay’s Green Rock Worm: Caddis Pupae Fly Tying video

  1. Chris Deppa says:

    Thanks again for sharing your knowledge, still loving the recent explosion of tying tips.

  2. Hey guys, this video is marked private. Looks like a cool pattern.

  3. Jay Nicholas says:

    Chris: you are very welcome. More to come, I promise. It is fun to share. Expect some cool tube flies to follow one of these days.


  4. Matt Stansberry says:

    Hey guys, I turned this video public earlier today, so if it’s giving anybody problems, just click on the video and watch it on the YouTube page.

  5. Jay Nicholas says:

    Don’t worry. Nothing unsavory happens in this video. It is family friendly, I assure you. It does mention the word “worm”, though, if anyone finds this offensive, excuse us.

  6. Jamison Lowe says:

    Thanks so much for these great patterns. I only wish I had this one when I lived in Wyoming. I’d flip over stones and see these green bugs with black heads and tie (in my low/no skill way) something like (in description only) this. Anyway, these videos are really inspiring me to tie more. Thanks!

  7. Trevor says:

    Would you tie this in a tan color for tan caddis as well? If so, would you just use a tan rabbit mixed with ice dub?


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