Sea-run cutthroat class at The Caddis Fly Shop, Saturday August 29, 2009 9am to 1pm with Jay Nicholas.
Sea-run cutthroat trout are fascinating anadromous fish with complex life histories.
Understanding a little about biology, life history and the fisheries management history of this species can help unlock some of the mystery of where, when and how to catch them on a fly.
Rods and reels don’t have to be expensive to put you into the Sea-runs. We’ll highlight tackle that will help you fish most effectively. The lines and leaders you choose to fish are an extremely important part of your game.
We’ll have an active Q/A on time-tested strategies for selecting lines and leaders during this class.
Are you a fly tyer? Let’s introduce or add perspective to tying flies that will tempt Harvest trout, including colors, materials and hooks.
Are there secret fly patterns for Harvest trout? Nah! But there are some features about flies that can make them more effective: think movement think bushy, then think bright, undulating and teasing.
What type of water are Sea-run cutthroat likely to be found in? How should you fish your fly? Should you hunt Blueback in tidewater or upriver?
At the turn-of-the-century, fishing for sea-run cutthroat was often more popular than fishing for salmon or steelhead, but the popularity of this fishery, declined during the 1980s and 1990s.
The number of fly fishers pursuing these fish in has increased in recent years as their runs have increased. Old Harvest Trout anglers are returning to the game and newcomers are investigating the lure of this exciting fishery.
This class will cover all the bases and give you a great start — or perhaps tease the seasoned Blueback fly angler with a few new ideas.
Entering our rivers from summer throughout fall, these anadromous Pacific fish are intriguing, challenging and rewarding quarry for the fly fisher.
Fly fishing for this species is shrouded in rumor, misinformation, and downright elusiveness. Come share some stories, delve into science, boost your effectiveness, and have some fun in this class.
This promises to be a superb way to spend a few hours. Jay, I bet you’ve forgotten more about blueback fishing than I could ever hope to know. I do know this: Sea-run cutts are the most underrated fishery in the state.