Temperatures and clarity improve

I took the family out this Sunday for a few hours, floated from Hayden to Armitage on the Lower Mckenzie River near Eugene. We got in the water around noon and fishing was good immediatly. My three year old was hanging onto the rod rigged with a Possie Bugger and a Karnopps Riffle Diver both in size #10. Her rod was getting hit constantly, despite reeling backwords, bouncing the rod up and down and the fight resembling an adult struggling with a sailfish she did land some nice fish. 


It was a bit windy and cold but when we found a patch of calm warmth the fish were on the surface. The dry/dropper rig of a big green Mckenzie Caddis and a Possie bugger was doing the trick. The water is still high but fishing was as good as it has been all year. This coming week is brings us ideal weather and I look for fishing to be great. Flies anglers should be prepared with include Green Mckenzie Caddis #8-10, Brown Elk Hair Caddis #12, Parachute Hare’s Ear #12, Karnopps Riffle Diver #10, Green Mckenzie Wet #10, Possie bugger #10, Pale Morning Dun Sparkle Dun # 16 and Light Cahill Wets #12 and #14.

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1 Response to Temperatures and clarity improve

  1. Mrmachinist says:

    Gotta love seeing little kids with big smiles catching fish, super cute!

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