Winter Stones aren’t the most famous Stonefly out there, but they are one of the ones most widely distributed across the country. The Winter Stone, Nemoura, Little Black Stone, Etc. refers to a family of small stoneflies with individual species numbering in the hundreds. Generally when speaking of Winter Stones, people are thinking between size 14 and 18. While certain Stonefly Species are more famous out West like Gold Stones and Salmonflies, the Nemouridae family is distributed across the world in the Northern Hemisphere. Here in Oregon, they rent particularly known to produce spectacular dry fly fishing, but their nymphs can produce some big eats. The nymph is not only a fantastic imitation for winter stones, but all juvenile stones. The fly fishes well in tailwaters as it is small and leggy making it a great searching nymph year-round. You certainly could tie it in yellow or yellow olive to imitate young Skwalas or Gold Stones. You also could size the fly up a tad, but this hooks shank length is best catered to smaller flies maxing out at size 12. If you tie some up tag us on Instagram, and send us the photos of fish they catch!

Jigged Winter Stone
Hook- Fulling Mill Jig Force Short 5125: Size 18
Bead- Fulling Mill Slotted Tungsten Bead 1.8 or 3.2mm: Silver Nickel
Thread- Semper Fly Black Nanosilk: 12/0
Tails- Hareline Stripped Goose Biot: Black
Body- Uni Black Soft Wire: Medium
Thorax- Hareline Super Fine Dry Dub: Trico, Hareline Cinnamon Tip Turkey, & Solarez Bone Dry
Legs- Hareline Fine Round Rubber Legs: Black
Bobbin- Stonfo Steeltech Bobbin
Resin- Solarez Bone Dry
UV Light- Loon UV Plasma Light
Vise- Renzetti Traveler 2304 & Renzetti Streamer Base