Chasing Chrome, Tying Steelhead and Pacific Salmon Flies, by Jonathan Farmer is a noteworthy entry into fly tying books. This book falls into what I classify as modern steelheading (salmon fishing too), post- intruder style flies fished with skagit lines. Modern anadromous fly fishing literature is lacking in entries.
Jonathan Farmer’s first book is thoughtfully laid out by Marty Howard. The 11×9 size accommodates step by step instructions well. Farmer first covers material theory and then presents how to tie twenty-three signature flies. Quality fly images and excellent instructions make up the bulk of the book. Thoughtful commentary on fly development and fun fishing anecdotes abound the pages. Patterns are broken down into weighted shank flies, unweighted flies, tube flies and summer steelhead flies. The book concludes with a gallery of flies to feed the reader’s creativity, prefaced by the author’s color preferences for each species. As with all fly tying recipes: materials, colors etc. can be swapped out to make the flies your own! Farmer has additional helpful information and few signature flies on various Youtube channels.
The book is not without a few quirks. Some images, cover art included, are unexplainably low resolution. All the necessary fly tying images remain quality so it does not affect the book’s usefulness. It is evident that the author is an avid, obsessed angler who wants to pass on his knowledge to others. The instructions, theory and ideas are helpful to any seasoned or budding angler. Do not expect grand steelheading tales or mastery of prose a la Trey Combs or John Larison. I think this book pairs well with a well crafted IPA and Zap-A-Gap. Hold the fine Mediterranean wine and cheese.
This book is an excellent resource for fanatical salmon fisherman, steelhead bums, and those who want to tie beautiful flies that catch fish.
-Robbie, steelheader at the Caddis Fly Shop