Summer Small Stream Tactics With Simon and Nick

In this video, Simon and Nick venture up into the mountains to fish a small freestone stream. Hot weather and wildfires have them searching out cold, shaded tributaries for small native trout. This helps give the trout in the warmer portions of our rivers a much needed break this time of year. The stream they fish is packed with beautiful wild Rainbows and Coastal Cutthroat Trout willing to cooperate and come up for dry flies. What these fish lack in size, they make up for in their beautiful markings. Exploring small creeks like these give you respect for the water and the wild fish that inhabit them. A day of tromping your way through a small stream will give you a reminder of the many things fly fishing is all about. Simon and Nick work through some small stream tactics that they’ve learned over the years that serve them on smaller waters and will help you on yours. This is the time of year to bring out your lighter weight rods and explore that small creek you’ve been meaning to check out. You’ll be surprised what you may run into, and if you pay attention close, you’ll always learn something new spending your day exploring a small creek.

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