Summer Dry Dropper Fly Fishing in Oregon

In this video, Simon works his way through a beautiful stream on a hot day. He primarily uses a Dry-Dropper setup to search and work his way through some beautiful water. This video marks the beginning of more “on the water” content coming from our Youtube channel @caddisflyshop. This will highlight local waters and fisheries beyond. They will focus on skills and helpful tips for beginners and experienced anglers alike. Stay tuned for more on the water fishing videos from us! Feel free to give us feedback on the video and let us know what you’d like us to cover next! All of the gear and more can be found on our website,

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1 Response to Summer Dry Dropper Fly Fishing in Oregon

  1. Greg Young says:

    Nice video, Simon! Does that tributary have creek in its name?
    It’s seems like more than 1/2 the time the seam or eddy is on the far side, and I have to really work to get much free drift with the current between.

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