In this video, Simon ties a new take on a classic pattern that has withstood the test of time. You can find some variation of a pheasant tail nymph in most shops across the world. It is a great attractor style pattern which is suggestive of a wide range of food from mayfly nymphs to juvenile stones. Tied in red, this version serves as more of a “searching” pattern; paired with a large bead, this fly is your friend in the winter, or when you need to get down deep quick. This fly is tied on a #14 Fulling Mill Jig Force Short Hook which has a wide gap, short shank, and a horizontal eye which allows for a surprisingly large bead to be paired with this hook. This can be tied in a variety of sizes and colors; black would be a great color to mimic winter stones which are currently hatching. If you tie some up tell us how they work or share some photos with us!

Jigged Red Pheasant Tail Nymph
Hook- Fulling Mill Jig Force Short 5125: Size 14
Bead- Hareline Slotted Gold Tungsten Bead 5/32, 3.8mm
Thread- Semperfli Nano Silk 50D: Red
Tail- Hareline Red Pheasant Tail
Abdomen- Hareline Red Pheasant Tail & Uni Small Sport Wire: Gold
Thorax- Hareline Peacock Herl, Hareline Cinnamon Tip Turkey Feather, & Hareline Micro Flashabou: Pearl
Legs- Hareline Red Pheasant Tail
UV Resin- Solarez Bone Dry
Bobbin- Smhaen Tension Bobbin
Vise- Renzettti Traveler 2304