Release Wild Steelhead in Southern Oregon


Ask ODFW Commission to Adopt Catch and Release Regulations for Wild Steelhead

This Friday, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Commissioners will be reviewing the Rogue South Coast Conservation Management Plan before adopting it in the December meeting of this year. Make sure your voice will be heard for wild Steelhead!

Sign this Action Alert asking commissioners to adopt Catch and Release Regulations. It takes less than one minute to complete. Even though you completed the action alert in July, you must complete this one to make sure that it counts!


Thank you for being a part of the movement as we work together to restore abundant wild fish, free-flowing rivers, and thriving local communities in southern Oregon and beyond.

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1 Response to Release Wild Steelhead in Southern Oregon

  1. FlyFinaticLou says:

    This is troubling to me, guess I’ve (always?) been in the minority !?. I just “assumed” Oregonians cherished these fish as much as I did !?. Guess I have an abundance of “Common Sense”!?. Ever since I first picked up a Spey Rod, . . . in fact, also a 9 1/2ft. single hander, for Steelhead and other Skagit River and Whidbey Island Beaches Anadromous Fish, I Released ALL My steelhead and 98+/-% Salmon. My stint; 1999-2002, on Washingtons West side seemed to find myself in the vast minority along the Beaches as a Fly Angler and competing with the Indigenous Tribes on the Skagit was a “loosing cause”. I won’t get into “that”! Since my return to WA. after a last Navy-tour (<2yrs.) in N. Chicago NTC, I've only been back to the West side 2002-2005. By then the Steel were well on their way toward extinction IMHO. Overfished, OverHarvested and Under Managed it was and is inevitable that they will be gone . . . the Wild Ones that is. Just like the Planets Environment, certain Dams have Damned the Fish to dismal numbers. THIS Year WILL be (is) the Worst as far as returning Wild Steelhead – just happened to read that article today ! We ALL know what needs to be done, and we all know who has (is still) getting in the way . . . $$$$$ ! Wonder if "Those Politicians" will whistle a different tune when they "Have To" wear a Protective Breathing Device, whenever outside, in order to breath breathable air !?. Ooooops, too late ! But, it's still NOW and We gotta do what we gotta do to salvage what is left, so Common Oregonians . . . Catch and Release ALL WILD Steelhead and Salmon and Use Fish Friendly Hooks that Minimize Fowl hooking or being swallowed or causing Gill Damage. that's my 2-cents !

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