Following in the path established by Intruder Essentials, this book delves into the Intruder-style fly patterns more deeply than you have ever seen in print. With a foreword by Greg Senyo and a glowing review by Trey Combs, Advanced Intruder Strategies is a lot of fun for the fly tyer — providing examples of many Intruder styles.
From tubes to shanks to traditional hooks to Micro Intruders this latest Nicholas book covers the bases and lays out a clear picture to show the way to craft a wide variety of styles, sizes, and color themes in the Intruder style.
Composite loops, modern and traditional materials, articulated flies are all game and add to the spice of the flies photographed in this book.
A phone call or email to the Caddis Fly Shop will reserve a signed, personalized copy of this new book. (25 bucks)
Thanks for your support and may you have fun tying!
Jay Nicholas, late September 2016
I’ve had the good fortune to spend a bit of time with a proof copy of Advanced Intruder Strategies … in fact, since the day it was received it has not left my tying station. Smeared with Clear Cure Goo, various beverage stains, and already bearing notes scrawled in the margins of dog eared pages, it is likely to stay there for a long, long time!
(NU diehards should pay special attention to p.67, 74, and 75 – just saying )
Highly recommended.
I have 4 of Jay’s other books. They are super, and the photography is excellent. He is very talented, and shares his love and knowledge of all things fishy.