Help Protect 14,000 Miles of Oregon Streams

Mckenzie river August 2015

From Trout Unlimited See TU Post here: Protect Oregon Streams

Two minutes can help protect 14,000 miles of Oregon streams.

The Oregon Board of Forestry (BOF) will soon decide whether to increase Oregon’s riparian buffers. These buffers supply cool water in the heat of summer, water necessary for steelhead, trout, salmon and other organisms important to Oregon rivers and streams.

Currently, Oregon requires only a 20 foot buffer — far smaller than neighboring states, and according to the science, woefully inadequate as a means of providing the necessary cool water on which these species depend.

Studies have shown that at least 120 feet of buffer is needed to provide adequate shade 90 percent of the time. By comparison, Federally managed forests in the Northwest require a 300 foot buffer on fish bearing streams.

We are asking for a mere 110 feet – a reasonable compromise.

But we need you. It’s not often you can protect 14,000 miles of streams. Please, reach out to the Board member in your region and tell them you support increasing buffers to 110 feet.

The board is expected to make its ruling by early October. We urge you to take a moment and stand up for a positive change for fish and habitat that is supported by both the science and the angling community.

Contact Information

General email for Board of Forestry:


Tom Imeson – Chair
220 NW Second Ave.
Portland, OR. 97209
Phone (503)-220-2370

Sybil Ackerman-Munson
20200 SE Walgren Road
Damascus, OR. 97209

Cindy Deacon Williams
4393 Pioneer Rd.
Medford, OR 97501
(541) 601-4737

Nils D. Christoffersen
401 NE 1st St. Ste A
Enterprise, OR 97828
(541) 426-8053

Tom Insko
Eastern Oregon University
One University Boulevard
Inlow Hall Suite 216
La Grande, OR 97850
(541) 962-3512

Gary Springer
Starker Forests, Inc.
7240 S.W. Philomath Blvd
PO Box 809 Corvallis, OR 97339-0809
(541) 929-2477

Mike Rose
25379 State Hwy. 38
Elkton, OR 97436
(541) 337-7413

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1 Response to Help Protect 14,000 Miles of Oregon Streams

  1. two dogs says:

    The two setbacks mentioned here are not even close to offering protection for the raparian zone. In fact, i consider the 300′ to be inadequate. Have worked with forest on reviews. We must remember that this is the area where the majority of the animals live…on top of protecting our rivers and streams. If you have a narrow protection then it becomes a source of easy access, social paths become defined access points, animals leave, fish do not flourish.
    There are a number of other considerations to keep in mind. Think of the different types of trail users for example and their impacts. It has been found that users who are going from one point to another cause less impact; motorized and equestrian. You are supprised? Hikers tend to wander off the trail…, picnics, camping, etc. All of these activities chase out the animals and cause damage to the habitat. Remember, this is where the majority of the creatures in the forest live. Could be a lot more, but…

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