Intruder / Popsicle Chartreuse Chinook Salmon fly on OPST Shank

Another fly in the series of “Semi,” “Almost,’” and “Nearly’” Intruders produced as videos for the Oregon Fly Fishing Blog. I am assured by my Alaska & BC expert friends that this is a good fly to swing for kings. Personally, I have caught kings in Oregon Estuaries on a fly very similar to this one.

The fly features an OPST Shank, and some of the EP brushes like the Sommerlatte’s Brush, plus liberal amounts of Extra Select marabou hackle. The colors are right and the size is right and it looks like a great bit Popsicle, right?

Intruder Essentials Cover

Intruder Essentials Cover

Reader/viewers who might like a solid reference to tying Intruders that meet my silly and self-imposed requirements may explore Intruder Essentials (foreword by Trey Combs). The book is potentially available from your hometown Fly Shop, by calling the Caddis Fly Shop, or on Amazon Books.

If you view this video, you will see a really nice Chinook salmon fly that most people would be perfectly content to call an Intruder.

Jay Nicholas

Eyes: Ballzleyes, large
Shank: OPST
Wire: Senyo’s Intruder Wire
Hook: Gamakatsu Octopus
Butt: EP Minnow Head Brush, Shaded Chartreuse
Butt topping: Black Ostrich
Butt topping: Grizzly Flutter Legs, Chartreuse
Butt Flash: Mirage Lateral Scale
Body: Flat Diamond Braid, Chartreuse
Thorax Base: EP Minnow Head Brush, Shaded Chartreuse
Thorax: Extra Select Chartreuse Marabou
Thorax: Extra Select Kingfisher Blue Marabou
Thorax enhancer: Black Ostrich topping over wing
Thorax enhancer: Mirage Lateral Scale
Wings: Blue grizzly saddle feathers (call or email shop for availability)
Head finish: EP Sommerlatte’s Brush, Red & Black


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2 Responses to Intruder / Popsicle Chartreuse Chinook Salmon fly on OPST Shank

  1. Jared says:


    What is the material used on the Octopus trailer hook and it is tied to the hook or just held on by the intruder wire when you looked it over the hook???

  2. Oregon Fly Fishing Blog says:

    I do not remember but i normally use #30 Crystal Fireline or Intruder trailer wire by Senyo or OPST. Both work. Some tyers use #25 lb maxima Chameleon mono for their hooks but I do not like that material. Ooops. there might have been a little bit of Chinese Red Uni Yarn that I tied on at the eye of the Octopus hook, maybe that is what you are referring to. I do this as a strike trigger point from time to time. Hope this helps. JN

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