Return to East Lake 2014

2014-06-25 13.30.59

With the weather Gods predicting a gray day with, “showers”, we headed out to East Lake for our last day of our Cascade Lake adventure. We had experienced some good fishing and our expectations were high upon our return. As seen in the photo above, we enjoyed a slight drizzle and rising fish. The ” Calli ” hatch was full on despite another late start due to a poorly timed teleconference.

2014-06-25 14.11.11

Once again the hot flies were the Thorax Callibaetis and the stacker Callibaetis.

2014-06-25 13.44.46

With the hatch full on for a few hours we enjoyed many fish to hand and some fine aerial acrobatics. The species caught ranged from kokanee, rainbows, and Atlantic Salmon. With a beginner fly angler in the boat, landing and releasing fish, and casting with three anglers in the boat, patience was at a premium.

2014-06-25 16.25.43

Oh, about the forecasted “showers”? Please note the darkness and soggy anglers at the boat ramp. Yep, it was bombing rain! We tried to hang in there with the hope it would stop and we would enjoy the return of a late evening hatch. About the only thing we enjoyed for this evening: the heater in the rig on the way home! Conversations turned to early next week for another lake outing…..stay tuned…


This entry was posted in Central Oregon Fishing Report, Fishing Reports, Oregon High Lakes. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Return to East Lake 2014

  1. Bronson says:

    Sounds like you guys had a fun trip. I hope to come fish some of the amazing parts of Oregon some time in the near future. If you’re ever in Southern Utah look us up atCurrent Seams Fly Fishing and we’ll show you a good time on the river. Keep up the good work guys. Great blog.

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