Harrisburg Railroad Bridge Warning

2013-10-30 16.35.44

Albany Tribune

November 22, 2013
Lane County Marine Patrol and the Oregon State Marine Board urge boaters who are hunting and fishing this time of year, to use extreme caution on the Willamette River at the Harrisburg Railroad Bridges near River Mile 163.

Lane County Marine Patrol recommends taking out at Hayes Boat Landing on Marshall Island, upstream of the bridges. As of today, only five feet of clearance exists between the bridges and the water; many types of watercraft will not be able to safely pass underneath. Temporary work bridges have a very low clearance, and as water levels fluctuate, can create a dangerous and/or impassable situation for boaters.

Hamilton Construction will install improved lighting to ensure that the construction zone is clearly visible both upstream and downstream during times of restricted visibility. They will also create warning signs, which will be posted at area boat ramps above and below the construction site.

Additionally, Hamilton Construction will be installing a river gauge at the bridge so that boaters already on the water can estimate the clearance before entering the main channel beneath the bridges.

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