Fly fishing links: May edition

What’s new in the world of the fly fishing blogosphere? Lots! It’s the beginning of summer and people are getting excited and weird. Just look at this fly “Legs for Days” by Brian Wise at Fly Fishing the Ozarks:

I always say you can NEVER have too many rubber legs, and this pattern could allow an elephant to bungee jump.

John Montana from Carp on the Fly shares a great tale on the hardships and rewards of carping on the Columbia River with a gang of pros.

We work for the fish. Nothing on the big C is handed over freely…she is a fickle mistress that will stone you with an upriver wind just when your cast to a 25 lb tailer is unfurling, blowing your fly off course and lining the fish. She will murder you with waves, and crush you with slippery rocks that force you to massage your feet each night, wondering just how you are going to cram your swollen heels inside your wading boots the next morning (but knowing full well that YOU WILL stuff those feet in there). But if you put in the time, and take the ass kicking she offers in stride…she will love you too. Y

Moldy Chum pointed us to a group called “Save the Tarpon” who posted a report from their protest at a giant tarpon tournament in Florida.

The new PTTS is the same old PTTS – May 19th 2013 protest from Save the Tarpon on Vimeo.

Speaking of the Chum, the just posted a great photo essay by our bud John Covich who was just down in Los Roques. Check it out.

And lastly, but certainly not least, I must post my obligatory link to a post on Fishbeer . Matt Dunn is arguably the best writer in the fly fishing world, even if the content may have zero relation to the act of fly fishing:

It didn’t work out with the foot fetish model. I picked her up in New York City in line for the bathroom while she was on a date with some other guy. Things seemed so promising… I think I flew too close to the sun with that one.

Happy reading!

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