The newest in the five-part Skagit Master series, Skagit Master 3, will arrive in our shop THIS FRIDAY. We’ve secured a limited number of copies and they’ll be sure to go fast, so head over to our website and pre-order one today!
Skagit Master 3 features familiar names like Hannah Belford, Tom Larimer, Eric Neufeld, Jeff Hickman, Ed Hepp and of course Scott Howell, Ed Ward, and Jerry French. These steelhead junkies show you their newest and best steelhead fly patterns and provide in depth analysis of how different materials react under various water and light conditions. The Skagit Master crew puts their flies to the test in a flow tank to demonstrate just how fishy these new flies really are.
The Caddis Fly is working on a showing of Skagit Master 3, so stay tuned for details!