Local Steelheading Heating Up

favorite steelhead flies for the willamette

The Willamette and McKenzie Rivers have both dropped into near ideal shape for swinging flies for steelhead. Fish counts over Willamette Falls are off the charts. And new Sage ONE spey rods are beginning to trickle into the shop. The only question remaining is why aren’t you out on the river?

With optimal conditions and lots of fish around, swinging flies is our preferred method for finding chrome. We fish tried and true patterns, but also really enjoy giving new flies a go and have had good results with a number of innovative new creations that have come through the shop. The picture (above) shows seven of our favorite flies for chasing Steelhead on our local waters, clockwise from top left: Deuce Wigalo, Loop Leach, Hartwick’s Hoser, Green Butt Silver Hilton, MOAL Leach, Strung Out Rockstar, and Reverse Marabou Leech.

Fish these flies with a Skagit Compact shooting head, Ridge Running line, a 10′ medium MOW tip, and 4-6′ of 10 or 12lbs. Maxima. Fish brightly colored flies on bright and sunny days, fish dark colored flies on overcast and cloudy days. Fish pink and purple flies everyday.

This entry was posted in Middle Fork Willamette River fishing, Oregon Weekend Fishing Forecast, Summer Steelhead. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Local Steelheading Heating Up

  1. Wes says:

    Nice post and description on what colors to use and when!

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