In a bullshit move that will open up the last protected wilderness in the U.S. to motorized use, oil and gas development, logging and mining — the U.S. House recently passed the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act.
Unfortunately, some of Oregon’s elected officials voted for this cynical measure. Voting to undermine the Wilderness Act were Reps. DeFazio, Schrader, and Walden.
I’ve hunted and fished in wilderness areas — some of the most amazing places in this entire state and the country. And I can tell you that these places need to stay protected.
From the Wilderness Society: The bill’s supporters claim that it will benefit sport hunters and anglers, but, if passed as introduced, it will actually destroy the very wilderness qualities that many hunters and anglers seek. There already exist ample hunting locations on our public lands and national forests where motor vehicles are permitted; it is the backcountry experiences that are scarce.
Oregon Wild has a form for you to fill out to send a note to our Senators. Let’s kill this thing in the Senate.