Fishing the McKenzie in High Water

Oregon is reeling from a big weather event — rain rain rain, and low lying snow. Most coastal steelhead fishing is shut down. So what’s an angler to do? Go tackle the McKenzie in high water. Ethan, Clay and I headed out yesterday on the biggest McKenzie River I’ve ever fished. We brought a few nice trout to the boat with big leggy nymphs, saw a lot of march brown duns between hail storms, and busted out Ethan’s propane heater to keep our hands from getting stiff.

McKenzie River Water Levels.

mckenzie river trout


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2 Responses to Fishing the McKenzie in High Water

  1. Rob R says:

    Nice water color! Lovin’ my office job 🙂

  2. D.L. says:

    The river level has pretty much shut down action for us bank waders, anyone have any luck around the Haden bridge area?

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