Fish porn from the annual pike trip 2011

Over the past two decades, I’ve only missed two trips with my family for our annual pike trip, including this year. And according to Nate, this was not the year to miss. Last year summer came early, the water was the lowest I’d ever seen it, and the big pike were locked into a summer pattern, sulking in deeper water most of the day and not hanging around the shallows. This year the water was high, the weather had been cold, and the pike spent the best part of the day sunning themselves and feeding on the flats. Nate said they had a 40-inch fish to the boat every day. Good times.




Here are some previous pike trip reports:

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4 Responses to Fish porn from the annual pike trip 2011

  1. Matt Siegmund says:

    Bring back the HOT PANTS!!!!!!

  2. Oregon Fly Fishing Blog says:

    That’s what I’m screaming!

  3. mike doughty says:

    amazing fish!

  4. bob says:

    stansberry’s are up to it again with a WIDE ANGLE LENS! sick

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