Winston announces new rods for 2010-2011 Season: BIIX model gets discontinued

One of Winston Rod Company’s most successful rod series of all time is being discontinued as four new rods are introduced. The BIIX has been one of our favorite rods available for 7 years now. We have put our remaining stock of BIIX on sale. For now this is all we have on hand, and sale prices apply to only BIIX models in stock only.

Below you will find a short video discussing the upcoming new models from Winston. New rod series include Passport at $199, VSL at $299, GVX at $495 and BIIIX in the $700 range depending upon model. The Caddis Fly will have these rods as soon as they are introduced and welcome you to come cast them or demo a rod anytime.

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4 Responses to Winston announces new rods for 2010-2011 Season: BIIX model gets discontinued

  1. VanDyzzle says:

    Whoaa… I’m going to miss the Bii-sexy line. So are they putting out Biix Speys in the fall??

  2. VanDyzzle says:

    I meant Biiix speys? Gonna take some getting used too….

  3. chris says:

    BIIX speys stay inline, no change

  4. David Jensen says:

    I just bought a 7 weight on this sale for steelhead. I fished it this morning, and it is my favorite rod for big fish. It is unbelievably light, but powerful enough to pull a steelhead away from a root wad. If Caddis Fly has anymore left, this is a great deal.

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