With less than two weeks until the ocean salmon season it sure feels like summer! The rock fish are running wild and the big lings are still around…
I will keep it short and too the point and leave you with this super cheesy picture from the front of the boat! This was 15 miles from port…
Tons of fly rod doubles this weekend!
Ling a ding ding!
Want to chase some salmon with a fly rod in the open ocean? Call the shop 541-342-7005.
Way to go Capt Nate! Looks like the weather window does it again! I am sailing tonight from 2am-7am to try my luck with some live bunker back in the bay!
Captain Nate – Joe and I are “in”. Let us know what time to be at the dock. Ahoy. You owe me a beer at sea for that “cork” trick.
Nate, I have fished these black rockfish quite a few times over the years, and I have never before seen the kind of action we had Saturday. How many did we hook? Fifty? And some of those were bigger than the ones in the photo–maybe six pounds or bigger. Your research really paid off. We were hammering lings and blacks on flies while the gear boats were getting nothing. I felt sorry for some of those other geezers out there in their tin boats and heavy gear. They were clueless as to the patterns and movements of these rockfish and lingcod. And I know that John Willis had a great day as well. We will be ready for the salmonids when you are. Thanks to you and Dave for a fine trip. Greg Roberts.
will you be doing this memorial day weekend?
Hey Larry,
We will be doing this every weekend when conditions allow… Memorial Day weekend is the first weekend chinook is open so we’ll be chasing both! Call the shop for more info if you have quesitons:541-342-7005