Every year we look forward to the Green McKenzie Caddis emergence on the McKenzie and Middle Fork of the Willamette Rivers. The bugs usually start showing themselves during the later half of April and remain an important fly pattern for your box through June. Barrett’s foam bodied CDC pattern in this video is a killer. The fly floats high, has excellent movement, coloration and durability.
CDC Green Caddis V2
Hook: TMC 100 or Daiichi 1180 #8-12
Thread: 6/0 Black Uni-Thread
Body: 2mm Chartreuse Foam
Hackle: Marc Petitjean CDC Lt. Mallow or Dun CDC
Wing: Dyed Dun Comparadun Deer Hair
Tool: Marc Petitjean Magic Tool and Petitjean Bobbin to form Dubbing Loop
Got to be the most kick-ass caddis pattern ever created. Makes the others obsolete, in my opinion.
Thanks Rob.