New spey fishing gear: Rio Skagit MOW sink tips

Coming out next month (May 2010), Rio is introducing new sink tips for two-handed Skagit style spey fishing. Based off the DIY sink tip modifications from spey gurus Mike McCune, Scott O‘Donnell and Ed Ward, the MOW system is designed to help anglers fish short, fast-sinking tips (2.5′ to 7.5′) without casting disasters.

Here, Rio Rep and spey guru George Cook explains the system.

Previously, anglers created custom tips and used Skagit cheaters to swing a fly through areas that need short fast tips, like submerged boulder gardens. The Skagit MOW tips are great for probing small pockets where a big sink tip would hang up.

You can pre-order your Rio Skagit MOW tips today.

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1 Response to New spey fishing gear: Rio Skagit MOW sink tips

  1. chromedout33 says:

    I dislike casting with cheaters but still do it because sometimes its necessary to fish 5-8 foot tips…maybe im not matching the grains right with the correct cheater?
    Will the MOW’s take out this variable?

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