In this three part video series Jay demonstrates how to use a tube fly adapter tool, how to tie a simple tube fly and how to rig your terminal end when fishing tube flies. Tubes have incredible potential for various fly tying applications these videos simply scratch the surface.
Jay’s Egg Sucking Leech Tube Fly
Tube: HMH Small plastic Tube
Thread: Lagartun X-Strong Fl. Orange
Body: Crosscut Rabbit Black
Flash: Mirage Flashabou
Eyes: Pseudo Eyes
Head: STS Trilobal Dub
Video 3 Rigging Tube Flies
Gamakatsu C14S Glow Bug Hook
HMH Tubes
Gamakatsu SC15 Hook
Hareline Super Eggs
Hey I was wondering if you could show us all how to tie a waller walker? I got the summer steelhead dry fly buzz!!!
Thank you for your videos and keep them coming! I just started trying flies and I love watching your videos and getting expert tips! Thank you for your time and thank Chris D. for this blog! Thanks to all you guys who contribute to this blog and helping average Joes like me!
Not me. Not ’till I learn to tie the buggers. BUT I will be doing some deer hair spinning and muddler videos soon, so stay tuned. Dry fly “steel” – whoaboy.
John: you are very welcome. Chris and Barrett and I are constantly brainstorming more new stuff so fasten your seat belt for more fun to come.
Thanks! I gotta wait until at least July, but hey what can say. Got a few last summer swinging dries and it blew my mind! I look at the site daily. Love it.