Chewee Skin Stone Fly Nymph

Another storm is pounding our local waters today and river levels are likely to jump up for the weekend. Must be time to tie some more spring bugs.

We love to fish Golden Stone nymphs early in the season on the McKenzie, Willamette, Deschutes, N. Umpqua and numerous other fine rivers. The Golden Stone nymphs are an ideal size to get down to the bottom, be castable, and the perfect nymph dropper “heavy” fly. In this video Barrett demonstrates how to use a new material called Chewee Skin for the stonefly wing case. Chewee Skin is really easy to work with and we see it having numerous applications in the fresh and saltwater fly tying realm. The pliable material can be used for wing cases, bodies, shell backs, minnow bodies, ribbbing and beyond. Chewee Skin is available in numerous UV colors. UV reflective materials are highly visible to fish in low light conditions and penetrate further so fish can see them from afar.–CD

Chewee Skin Stone Fly Nymph

Chewee Skin Stonefly Nymph

Hook: 5262: # 6 or Daiichi 1710 # 6
Lead: .020 or .025
Bead: 5/32 Tungsten
Tail: Barred Crazy Legs Golden Yellow/Pearl Flake
Rib: Ultra Wire Med Copper or Brown
Body: STS Trilobal Golden Stone
Wing Case: Chewey Skin UV Brown
Legs: Barred Crazy Legs Golden Yellow/Pearl Flake

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1 Response to Chewee Skin Stone Fly Nymph

  1. Doctor Rick says:

    “Good Stuff!” I’ve been wanting to incorporate some UV material into my bugs and Chewee Skin seems like a good starting point. Plus, it seems more durable than turkey feathers.
    This should be on the McKenzie River trout section as well so more readers would learn of it.
    Great site!

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