Wednesday night, November 11th steelhead book author John Larison will be signing books at the Caddis Fly Shop from 3:30 to 5pm.
John will also be presenting at the McKenzie Upper-Willamette Chapter of Trout Unlimited’s meeting that night at 7pm at the Eagles Aerie, 1375 Irving Rd. in Eugene. John’s presentation will be on successful winter steelheading tactics and the public is welcome. We’ll also be discussing our efforts to reduce or remove hatchery trout on the McKenzie River.
Then Thursday night 11/12, come to the David Minor Theater to see the new film Where Hope Resides at 6:30pm. We expect this movie to sell out this week, so pick up your tickets at the shop ASAP. This gorgeous new film is about salmon and steelhead conservation issues in British Columbia’s Skeena River system. Join filmmakers, Boots Allen and Jason Sutton at the event.