Metolius Basin protected from mega-resort development!

This just in from Central Oregon Landwatch: This is a historic moment, as the Metolius Protection Act of 2009 just passed the Oregon House 31-28! House Bill 3298 recently passed the Oregon Senate as well and now heads to the Governor’s desk to get signed into law.

We’ll be back in touch with more details soon, but we wanted to take a second and spread this amazing news. Thank you, everyone who helped make this happen. Thank you for making this possible and helping turn this legislation into law. We’ve just helped protect over 300,000 acres of land in and around the Metolius River Basin. This is truly a remarkable and historic achievement, one for the history books indeed.

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6 Responses to Metolius Basin protected from mega-resort development!

  1. Karl Mueller says:

    Great work from TU and many others! Thanks to everyone who took the time to write their local legislators. OR house and senate members reported they received more mail on this issue than on any other topic this session.

  2. Brent says:

    YAY! This is great! Finally!

    A key component for the 100 million that is being spent downriver…

  3. Rob R says:

    Long live the Metolius!

    Does this case study demonstrate a bias toward protecting near-sterile trout waters over rich, productive salmon rivers? I think so…

    I’m happy for the Metolius and those who worked hard on this bill. But I’m also dumbfounded that the entire northwest corner of our state gets so little respect and zero protection.

    If you love the Metolius, check out the coastal rivers sometime. They need friends, desperately.

  4. Karl Mueller says:

    We tried and failed on the Tillamook. I’ll say it again, we tried on the Tillamook. Ask yourself, did you do all you could?

    Actually, we succeeded in a way . . . the Board of Forestry took the heat off the Legislature because it would have been a brutal vote.

    If you had seen the insect life coming off you would be hard pressed to call the Metolius sterile. Sockeye will soon run in the Metolius as will spring chinook and summer steelhead. So . . . “Does this case study demonstrate a bias toward protecting near-sterile trout waters over rich, productive salmon rivers? I think so…”

    I think not.

  5. Rob R says:

    can’t wait to see the salmon and steelhead back in the metolius. she needs a kick start.

    i’m just having a major bout of wilderness envy. all these tens of thousands of acres of new wilderness protection, but the north coast gets a buzz cut and a bitch slap.

    as to your question, did I do all I could? it’s hard to know where to draw the line. but i could have done more, could still be doing more…

  6. Brian C says:

    Now we just need Senator Johnson to take down her fence that crosses the river. We should be able to fish anywhere in the river.

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