Diamond Lake Fishing Report

Two fly winner Clifton Molatore was at Diamond Lake this weekend and had the following report. Thanks Clifton, keep them coming.

I fished Diamond Lake Friday evening with my father and four year old daughter. We started fishing about 4:30 p.m. and fished until about 8:00 p.m. We trolled brown bead head woolly buggers with a fair amount of flash. We had consistent action all evening (and still had consistent action when we left) and landed seven fish. We lost at least that many and couldn’t figure out whether the fish just weren’t biting hard, or we were incompetent fishermen (the likely case). Most of the fish were about 14 inches, with three between 16 and 18 inches. My daughter caught her first fish all by herself and we witnessed an osprey take a fish about 30 feet from the boat, only to have a bald eagle chase the osprey and cause it to drop the fish. While the fishing wasn’t red hot, we had enough action to never be bored and I would recommend getting down to Diamond Lake if you can.

clifton diamond report

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2 Responses to Diamond Lake Fishing Report

  1. pt crogg says:

    good job. my buddy and i are going friday i hope we have the same luck. terry

  2. steve goetz says:

    It’s still a little early for trolling flies,and I’m surprised you had as good as luck as you did. Most of the big fish will take a frog pattern flatfish early after iceout. Try this technique untill the water warms.

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