Fly Fishing Links: New Year resolutions — get back on the internets

In this installment of Fly Fishing Links, we’re pointing out a few fly fishing bloggers that fell off the wagon but got back onboard last week. Felt Soul started blogging again in a big way with an update on Red Gold and how folks that were inspired by the movie can get involved with protecting Bristol Bay. And John Montana from Carp on the Fly is back in business after a three month break.

Jeff Kennedy of Drawing Flies 365 finished his year of daily fly fishing artwork — all 365 days of 2008. The wrap up is here. Kennedy plans to put out a high quality coffee table-style book at the end of January. The book will include most of the flies created along with Kennedy’s thoughts that occurred during the creation of the paintings.

In case you missed it: The third issue of Catch Magazine came out!

And of special importance to me, since I’m considering taking the plunge on a spey rod in ’09, KBarton at SingleBarbed seems to be doing the same, and his intro to Spey post is damn funny. It helps to see other single-handed veterans share the same trepidations about getting into a new method for fly fishing.

Lastly, as if Spey casting weren’t complicated enough, the forum crew at WestFly is talking about small spey rods for trout. The consensus seems to be that it’s easier to cast, you’ll probably catch more fish, but how fun will it be to whoop on 13-inch fish with a 13-foot rod? On the other hand, Itinerant Angler Zach Matthews makes the case for trout spey rods.


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2 Responses to Fly Fishing Links: New Year resolutions — get back on the internets

  1. At the Somerset Fly Fishing Show in NJ, I’m interested in seeing a lecture there called “Two Handed Casting in Saltwater.”

    A friend of a friend says he does it for stripers so I’m curious to see how it applies.

  2. David Jensen says:

    I agree, great time to check out the links. Of those on your blogroll, Fly Fish Chick is numero uno.

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