Fly Fishing Video Review: Four Seasons of Steelhead

Much more than plain old fish porn, Four Seasons of Steelhead is a fly fishing film that celebrates Oregon’s beauty and the magnificent fish native to our state.  From the promotional materials:

For Wayne Van Burger Steelhead fishing is not just a destination, it is a lifelong journey. Follow Wayne on a tewlve month odysessy as he seeks out the toughest fighting trophy Steelhead in his home waters of Southern Oregon.

It’s no secret that I’m a Oregon homer (Go Ducks!) so any fishing DVD that focuses on Oregon is fine by me.  Each season is introduced with spectacular Oregon scenery and finds Wayne into steelhead including some seriously hot summer fish on the Rogue.  The cinematography is high quality–this isn’t your Sunday bassin’ show and Four Seaons of Steelhead has the awards to prove it.

The film isn’t perfect–I’d like to have seen a couple of wild winter fish and a couple of wild bruisers in the spring but really I’m nit-picking.Don’t get this DVD expecting a seminar on fly-fishing.  This film is about celebrating Oregon and steelhead fly fishing.  It might be the cure for what ailes you on a shut in, blown out winter day.


Pick up your copy of Four Seasons of Steelhead at

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