High water, decent fishing: Green McKenzie Caddis spotted

Caddis Fly guide Ethan Nickel had guests out on the Mckenzie this Wednesday. While things started a bit slow the afternoon yeilded some decent fish. The river is still high and cold but appears to be dropping once again. If we could just get some sustained warmth things could really get rolling on the Mckenzie.

A few green Mckenzie Caddis have been spotted on what I am now calling “warmer afternoons”. When we do  get a couple of days in a row of decent weather look for the big greens to get bouncing around on the surface and fishing to get much more active.

Fishing swung wets on the lower Mckenzie remains the best overall method. Best patterns are: Possie Bugger #10, Mega Prince #10, Royal Coachman Wet #12, Karnopps Riffle Diver #10, Flash Soft Hackle #12,  and Beadhead March Brown Emergers in #12,14.

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