Simon’s Jigged Tailwater Leech

This fly Simon originally developed for a trip to the mighty McCloud river in Northern California. The section he was interested in is a tailwater, and Simon needed a small fly that would be enticing enough for a large fish to move. Leeches are often abundant in tailwater sections of rivers directly below dams. Leeches are okay swimmers, but generally not good enough to avoid being sucked down a dam. This makes them an easy food source in the river below. Simon has used this pattern in tailwaters all around the Northwest with great success. He also took this fly to the Driftless area. The spring creeks there contain leeches, and the water is low enough for them to survive and swim. The beauty of this fly is in slower spring creeks and lakes, it can be stripped in very short intervals much like a scud. The size can be adjusted, but Simon found that the smaller size works best and produces extremely large trout. The Fulling Mill 5125 Jig Force Short is a must with its wide gap, heavy wire, and ability to hold a large bead. The ostrich provides lots of movement, while still keeping the profile very small. Feel free to tie them in grey, brown, olive, etc. to fit your local needs. If you tie some up and fish them, tag us on instagram!

Simon’s Jigged Tailwater Leech

Hook- Fulling Mill 5125 Jig Force Short: Size 20

Bead- Fulling Mill Slotted Tungsten Bead 7/64 or 2.8 mm: Silver Nickel

Thread- Semper Fli Nano Silk 12/0: Black

Tail/Body- Hareline Ostrich: Black & Uni XS Soft Wire: Black

Hot Tag: Hareline Fluoro Fiber: FL Pink or Glo Brite: Pink

Collar: Hareline Microfine Dry Dub: Trico

Bobbin- Stonfo Steeltech Bobbin

Resin- Solarez Bone Dry

UV Light- Loon UV Plasma Light

Vise- Renzetti Traveler 2304 & Renzetti Streamer Base

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