
Given the recent declines in Oregon Coast fall Chinook salmon populations, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is considering a more conservation-oriented approach to wild fall Chinook harvest in 2023 and has asked for public comment. This presents a crucial opportunity for wild fish advocates to weigh in on proposed limits to fall Chinook harvest. If adopted, this would be an important step toward more adaptive management for salmon runs throughout the state of Oregon, as well as a sensible strategy to ensure the viability of coastal Chinook populations for the long term. Before June 23, take the survey telling ODFW you support Alternative 1—the conservation-oriented management of wild Chinook salmon runs on the Oregon Coast. Please be sure to include support for implementation of ocean bubbles off Tillamook and Nehalem bays. 

More info and take the survey here: https://myodfw.com/articles/fall-coastal-salmon-management

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