It’s hard to complain about the fine water conditions, beautiful weather and solid fishing we have been having. But…. it seems like we need some rain. There are periods during the day when fishing is getting a little tougher, even feeling a bit “stale” at times… We need a change and it’s coming. Cooler air and water temperatures mean it’s mayfly time. Make sure you have a collection of Blue Winged Olives and Mahogany Duns this time of year. We are seeing tiny sailboat mayflies every afternoon. Fish are feeding on these size #16-20 mayflies on windless afternoons despite all the sun. Once we get some overcast and even rain it’s going to get even better. Have some Parachute Adams, Purple Haze, Purple Roosters, Hi-Vis Parachute Adams, Missing Links and Rainy’s X Fly Parachutes. These don’t all have to be tiny. I like to start big, a #12 or #14 and see if they will eat. If not tie a smaller pattern behind the larger dry and see if that works. You can even add a soft hackle or small Pheasant tail to the two fly rig. Good luck out there!