Bring the Salmon Home – Looking towards Klamath Dam Removal

BRING THE SALMON HOME from Swiftwater Films on Vimeo.

Bring the Salmon Home captures the emotions, courage, and determination of Klamath River tribal communities as they host a 300+ mile run from ocean to headwaters to cultivate support for the biggest river restoration project in history – the removal of four Klamath River dams. The Klamath Salmon Run began in 2003, a year after dams, diversions, and drought led to a traumatizing fish kill that littered the banks of the Klamath with dead salmon for miles. Now, a historic drought grips the basin further stressing communities and fisheries.
Started by local youth, the event has become an important way for the many small communities along this remote river in far northern California to find solidarity in the struggle to protect their salmon and their way of life. With regulators poised to approve dam removal plans later this year, runners are now racing into a future of hope and optimism.


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