Alex Schwartz snuck in a late season trip for big Redfish in Louisiana and was not disappointed despite some cold weather.
We start our journey around midnight on December 3rd. I landed in Springfield Missouri and we made the 12 hour trek to Hopedale Louisiana.
We pull into the “Dudenhefer’s” RV rentals around 3pm. We learned if your not commercial fishing or personal fishing you will find yourself in a world where fishing is a way of life for the people.
The weather made things tough for us the locate fish. Every salt water fishermen loves a cold front…..not! Luckily redfish are very aggressive and have no shame to crush your fly if it is in their kill zone.
With great friends and great memories we have already planned next years trip. We will utilize all of the information we gathered on this trip. All things considered we caught fish everyday, grilled fresh fish each night and had a blast.