Take Action to Keep Oregon’s Wild Fish Wild! – Speak out against HB 3150



From Native Fish Society

Right now, Oregon’s state legislature is considering a bill, HB 3150, that will require ODFW to utilize hatch boxes in southern Oregon, a strategy that is ineffective at bolstering commercial and recreational fisheries and threatens the conservation and recovery of wild fish populations. Hatch boxes place fish eggs from a fish hatchery directly in a river instead of hatching the eggs and rearing the young fish in a hatchery facility. This management scheme was abandoned by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife due to its ineffectiveness (very few fish survive to adulthood) and because it complicates the management of wild and hatchery fish populations.

Specifically, hatch boxes have the following problems:

1) Hatch boxes harm wild fish populations and impede recovery efforts;

2) Hatch boxes fail to contribute to sustaining or improving fisheries;

3) Hatch boxes impede ODFW’s ability to meet the state’s legal obligations, Endangered
Species Act mandates, and conservation plan directives;

4) Hatch boxes are inconsistent with the state’s Native Fish Conservation Policy;

5) Hatch boxes divert the department’s limited resources; and

6) Hatch boxes risk the resiliency wild fish need to survive our changing climate

Please take a moment right now to sign the action alert to legislators today and join the groundswell of public support that is speaking out against HB 3150 and speaking up for wild fish!


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2 Responses to Take Action to Keep Oregon’s Wild Fish Wild! – Speak out against HB 3150

  1. KimPfaller says:

    How is a fish raised in a tank better off than one hatched in stream? Utilizing hatchery fish for eggs will result in an inferior fish regardless. Capturing native fish for in stream egg placement should result in a better fish. Of course, better care of our rivers is much preferred. I’ve tried to find negatives on Whitlock Vibert boxes and there doesn’t seem a lot on the subject. I don’t have an axe to grind but information is better than declarations . Did find an article concerning chum salmon and an increase of survival from egg to fry. I’d love to get links to this to better educate myself

  2. KimPfaller says:

    Ok, a bit of digging found an Atlantic salmon study using several types of hatch systems and the results weren’t great. Siltation and placement resulted in the highest mortality rate. Sorry for jumping the gun

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