Call to Action: Nominate your favorite piece of water for Wild and Scenic Designation


Oregon Senator Ron Wyden is a man on a mission. It’s a mission that should put a smile on the face of many readers of OFFB and all who care about protecting Oregon’s rivers and fisheries. In meetings, townhalls, and private conversations over the past few months, Senator Wyden has consistently voiced his ambition to overtake Alaska as the state with the greatest number of Wild and Scenic river miles in the country.

With 2,173 Wild and Scenic river miles designated across the state, Oregon currently trails Alaska by about 1,000 river miles. In pursuit of the top spot, Senator Wyden recently put out a public call for Wild and Scenic River nominations, giving Oregonians the opportunity to achieve federal protection for their favorite rivers and creeks.

A list of Oregon’s existing Wild and Scenic Rivers can be found here, although that list doesn’t include about 250 river miles that were recently added to the W&S system through passage of the John D. Dingell Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act earlier this year. Many of Oregon’s most well-known rivers are already protected under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, so anglers and river enthusiasts with intimate knowledge of smaller rivers and creeks are well-suited to help Senator Wyden get to his 1,000-mile goal. Please take the opportunity to nominate your favorite piece of water, for the benefit of current and future Oregonians and the rivers and fish that we all know and love. Submissions are due by January 20, 2020 and should be sent via email to

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