Water levels are lower on the Mckenzie, Willamette and tributaries. Hatches have diminished but trout still need to eat. Focus efforts early and late and look for shade during the day. Smaller dries and nymphs (#14-16) are the way to go. I have a list of effective patterns below.
Galloup’s X-Link Caddis – Excellent caddis pattern to use anytime imitating a variety of caddis species available throughout the summer. It rides low in the water but still visible to the angler.
J’s Hi Tie Caddis – The largest of the patterns suggested this will hold up the PMD nymph nicely and float really well in rough water. This pattern will fish all the way through the fall.
Parawulff Adams – Highly visible all around dry fly pattern. Fish this one in tougher light conditions, it’s white wings will help you track it.
Mercer’s Missing Link – Mercer’s Missing Link is a caddis and a mayfly imitation all in one. It sits low in the water but has a nice elk wing that keeps the fly floating nicely. This has been one of our better dry fly patterns over the past few years.
Purple Rooster Parachute – Another really good all around smaller dry. Pheasant and purple are a solid combo!
Front End Loader – Hi Vis parachute pattern that imitates the ever present Little Yellow Stoneflies.
Fin Fetcher Caddis – A very small parachute caddis pattern with a hi vis post. The Fin Fetcher works best in flat water.
Jigged Frenchie – The Jigged Frenchie is a favorite “euro” nymph but also works great under a dry or included in a deep nymph set up.
Jigged 20 Incher – One of the most popular nymphs over the past couple of years. It’s the perfect density to get down quickly and it’s peacock and hare’s ear construction are simply unbeatable.
Split Case PMD Nymph – The Split Case in the PMD and BWO are killer patterns to fish under smaller dries as droppers.