Addition to Nicholas’ ECHO EPR fly rod reivew

12wt ECHO EPR fly rod.

12wt ECHO EPR fly rod.

I’ve lost track of the time, but I’m pretty sure that my initial review of the ECHO EPR was based on my Baja trip this spring.

Since that time, I’ve faithfully fished my 8 wt EPR for spring and summer chinook, lingcod and black rockfish, and ocean silvers.

The exciting part was the opportunity to fish the 12 wt for Pacific Albacore.


The entire series of EPR fly rods has earned my unconditional approval.

The rods are light and tough and cast extremely well. I love the feel of the handle and the feel of the rod bent into the cork by a hard charging fish.

My friend Ed with an over 30# Pacific Albacore on the 12 wt ECHO EPR fly rod.

My friend Ed with an over 30# Pacific Albacore on the 12 wt ECHO EPR fly rod.

I also loaned the 12 wt EPR to my friends Kevin and Ed on a day when I could not join them on the ocean. They confirmed that everyone loves this EPR, and they assured me they did their best to “break the dang rod if you can.” That’s what I told Ed when I assured him that I wanted him to test the rod to its fullest. Ed was all grins  when he returned to the beach with a well over thirty pound tuna on the EPR.

The 12 wt EPR casts well with a
RIO 10 wt outbound 425 gr line and also a
SA Sonic 25 Sink 450 gr line or a
Airflo Depthfinder big game 400 gr line.

I have added the rod chart below to demonstrate the EPR’s stature as the fastest rod (lightest too) with the most powerful butt. This EPR rod will generate the highest line speed. The EPR will make the most accurate long distance casts in wind. The EPR will also deliver accurate close range casts. For the $$$$, I think the EPR holds its own with the best fly rods I’ve fished.

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Ok, that’s good for now. I love this fly rod. No reservations whatsoever.

Jay Nicholas – October 2017


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