Many fly tyers have realized that various material brushes can be great time-savers when creating a belly on baitfish & streamer flies. I have been using these materials for several years and have found several brushes that all work very well for the flies I am tying.
I thought it might help folks who have not used this technique much to note four of the brushes that I use on a routine basis – I will show images of two of these.
The four brushes I use most often for white bait fish bellies are:
EP Craft Fur Brush white/white
EP Foxy Brush white white
Ep Sparkle Brush Pearl Magic
EP Senyo’s Chromatic Brush Live Bait
The EP Brush pictured above is the Craft Fur brush in white/white. This brush is my favorite for most of the flies I tie. It has the longest flowing fibers and a dense middle portion.
The EP Brush pictured above is the Sparkle brush in pearl magic. I reach for this brush when I want maximum sparkle and shine. It is not as full and bushy so I need to take more turns to full out the belly, and it is not as long or as flowy as the other three brushes, but is is very nice, especially for shorter streamers.
I highly recommend the use of various brushes when tying a wide range of baitfish patterns for fresh and saltwater flies.
Jay Nicholas – August 2017