Who We Are Series, Post 3: Justin Helm

This series of posts is meant to introduce all of you terrific tiers and cool customers to our small, but fantastic team of anglers here at The Caddis Fly Angling Shop. Each employee answered a number of questions about their fishing expertise, their favorite style of fishing and fishing products. Each week we will publish another employee’s answers to these questions to let you know Who We Are. This series will hopefully give you a peak into who we are, how we fish, and who you are chatting with when you next call or email Caddis.

Next up we have Justin!

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Who: Justin Helm. “I split my time at the shop working up front and in the back packing and scanning orders.”

Time at Caddis: I have worked at Caddis for about 5 months.

Are you a Eugene local, or are you a transplant? 

I moved to Eugene 4 years ago from Seattle.

How many years have you been fly fishing?

I have been a fly fisherman since I was 5, so about 17 years.


What is your favorite rod and reel combo?

My favorite rod and reel combo is my 7129 Winston BIII TH and my 3 3/4 Farlex.

Wet wade or float, and why?

I like wading when fishing for steelhead, and floating when trout fishing.


Dry fly, streamer or nymph–and do you tie them?

I prefer swinging flies, so I’ll fish a streamer or soft hackle generally. I tie all of my own steelhead flies, but not any trout flies.


Spey or single hand cast? 

Spey all day

Salt or Freshwater?


Where have you fished?

States: Oregon, Washington, Colorado, California, Montana

Waters: McKenzie , North Umpqua, Metolius, Fall, and Deschutes Rivers


What is your favorite part about working at Caddis?

I have really enjoyed working with and meeting so many people that are as passionate about fly fishing as I am.

When a fellow angler asks, “What is the biggest fish you have ever caught?” what is your answer? 

Every fish I catch is a hawg.


You name it, Justin’s probably got it covered at the shop. He can be found on the shop floor filling orders or helping a customer pick out a new Hardy reel, or in the back packing orders. He could also be on the phone updating customers on their order status, or advising a fisherman on where the steelhead (in season) are running the strongest. When he’s not in shop he’s out on the water or tying up a few killer streamers. Need a fly that’s working? Ask for Justin.

Want to know more about the Caddis Fly? Visit our website’s About page at this link and feel free to call or email us any time at our contacts below:



Tight lines until next time!

The Caddis Fly Crew
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