Pacific City Dory Fly Fishing Season Underway in 2016


Well the seas are finally showing signs of settling down and we are able to get out on the ocean again this year.

I had the good fortune of fishing today with Bryson and Jeffrey as Capt. John Harrell searched the reefs and kelp beds in the nearshore waters around Pacific City today, May 11th.


Our  fishing was among the most challenging I’ve experienced, but we managed to go home with our limits of Pacific black rockfish and dungeness crab – with a few lingcod in the mix too.

We found the sea bass and lings at depths from 20 to 40 feet, and when we found fish, they were receptive to a wide variety of Clousers between three and four inches long.

Fast sinking lines were the order of the day, and there are several old options available – including the Airflo Big Game Depth Finder, Depth finder, and Custom Cut Sniper T-14. Rio offers great ones in the Striper and the Custom Cut T-14 Outbound. SA offers several great fly lines that sink fast under their Sonar series of lines.

John Harrell was out on the 10th fishing and found the fish far more accommodating, schooled at depths of 20 to 40 ft, and generally rather more accessible than they were today. A week ago John’s clients found the bass on the surface for part of their day. It goes to show that every day on the ocean is likely to bring surprises and challenges.


Thanks John, for the great trip. Thanks Jeffrey and Bryson for sharing the boat today. Thanks to the bass and the ocean and the surf and the whales and ….

Sorry. I really do love being out on the ocean, and the fish, whatever their mood, are  so much fun.


Hope to see you soon.

Bryson can help you select lines if you have questions and many of my fly tying videos cover the range of saltwater flies we fish from the dory boats.

You may contact Jack Harrell to book a trip at 541 921 1276.

Jay Nicholas, 11 May, 2016

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1 Response to Pacific City Dory Fly Fishing Season Underway in 2016

  1. Tom Jenike says:

    Dory fishing looks like a real blast. I am going to find some other fishing folks who would join me, for a trip. I wonder how many folks can go on a trip. Thanks for the great post.

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