High Water Fly Tying Demo Day Nov 21st

Jay Nicholas Fly Demo Day a

Ok. The rivers are high, the days are dark and it’s time to do some serious re-stocking of fly boxes in preparation for winter steelhead season.

Jay Nicholas will be seated at the fly bench at the Shop from 10 AM until roughly 3 PM Saturday, November 21st, tying up his own stock of winter flies and answering questions about all manner of technique, tackle, and fishing craziness you care to bring up.

Jay Nicholas Fly Demo Day f

Jay Nicholas Fly Demo Day e

Of particular interest are two new products, both EP brushes. the first is the Steelegg Brush. This is a 3/4″ brush that makes wonderful eggs and egg-like enhancements on intruders and various butts on traditional steelhead flies. I’ve given these brushes a try and they meet my immediate approval, so I’m launching into tying a ton of flies for this season, even though I’ve yet to catch a winter steelhead on this material yet. That is how confident I am. This is good stuff.

Jay Nicholas Fly Demo Day d

The second product is the EP Craft Fur Brush. Wow. Should have thought of this one years ago. great colors and highly adaptable for a wide of flies from steelhead, salmon, bass, freshwater, saltwater and so on.

Wind these brushes like a hackle and let the magic flow.

I hope to see you at the Shop, but I’ll be down several Saturdays over the next few months so if not sooner, then later.

Best wishes to you all.

Jay Nicholas

Jay Nicholas Fly Demo Day b

Jay Nicholas Fly Demo Day c


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1 Response to High Water Fly Tying Demo Day Nov 21st

  1. two dogs says:

    Great work!! You ve turned your creativity loose again. Thanks, Jay.

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