I realize that not ever fly tyer gets as enthused about dumbbell (barbell) eyes as I do, but for anyone who is similarly affected – there are several new options to dress our clousers with, so I decided to feature these here.
I tie Clousers and Bonefish-like Mini-Charlie flies to fish for Chinook salmon, but many flies use or could use these eyes to achieve a sink and an erratic retrieve motion.
The new BallzEyes are offered in anodized Red and anodized Green with white eyes and black pupil. These are different from Pseudo Eyes in that the former are a genuine barbell shape while the latter are an hourglass shape.
The photos following show a nice little king salmon Clouser tied with the new BallzEyes.
Next up: new Pseudo Eyes from Hareline.
I know, it’s almost more than a fly tyer can bear.
Jay Nicholas, September 2015
Hey Jay. How long are you making those Clousers? Thx!